
Listening to the Yarn

Experimenting with yarn and stitches is a very exciting process, trials that give unexpected results that in themselves are a hint and the motivation behind a bigger vision. They can be (warning: not always) the beginning of a masterpiece 😉.  When using a knitting machine the progress is normally faster than hand knitting. Although unless you already have a pattern card or are using basic knitting stitches, the time spent ends up being almost equal.  As knitters we are always more than willing to immerse ourselves into the task and time is not a concern.  In this post I wanted to share some swatches I made for the Summer 2020 designs which are so very neat. Using one thread of linen and 2 of very fine cotton, tuck stitch and different tensions...these are the results: They are not meant to be sleeves, but placing them against the skin can give you a better idea of the drape, weight and flow of your sample.  Happy to answer any questions...the result of this samples will come very soon

The red of passion tempered by the yellow of wisdom is?

It is Orange...yes, and it is such a perfect time to be thinking about these two very powerful and needed qualities: Passion and Wisdom.  We have all had so much time lately to think and reflect on life in general and also on our own lives too. Although many have been caught up looking after others, some of us have had time to put our needs at the forefront of our everyday lives.  I was working from home during the last three months (though I still kind of am) and spent long long hours knitting away, for work and for pleasure. It is true that knitting is my passion and I feel so lucky I can dedicate so much time to it, however passion without wisdom kind of can turn into frustration easily.  Knitting, as well as certain circumstances in my personal life, have taught me that planning wisely is as important as being creative, talented and passionate (all together or just some of this attributes separately, wink). Now getting to what I wanted to show you... I found this super chunky, natu

These knit hot pants will make you keep all your denim shorts at the back of your wardrobe

It is incredible the offer within the fashion industry for shorts...denim specially.  For many years now  and all throughout the year most brands offer a take on this popular garment.  I personally find denim a bit overdone and during the Summer season I like to put denim to is hot and I need cool, flexible fabrics for comfort. It was then when I thought that a soft cotton used as lingerie, loungewear and streetwear was the very best option to beat the mass produced, high street fashion take on an all round garment.  Now I can be unique, fashionable, comfortable, fresh and what is very important for me...I look after the environment with this handmade, locally made, European cotton knitted shorts. Aren't they divine? Summer knitted shorts or skorts which can be used as swimwear to go to the beach or hang around the swimming pool, or as loungewear around the house.  You can purchase  Here

Do it From Love...Not For Love

The best thing about Summer is the glow we get. We feel more beautiful and we want to shine as bright as the Sun. We are excited about the holidays...wether we go to a beach or we adventure ourselves into some magical city....we want to look our best. We are eager to see and be seen. So...the time is now! Knit Mystique has been working hard to help you with that..of course..and not just for this holidays but for more to come. The quality of the craftsmanship guarantees a garment that will stand the test of by making them from LOVE. So Let's get on with the most pretty stuff and show you The Antigua Carey Bikini Crop Top...Stunning, I know!!! It can be yours by visiting the etsy shop  Here Happy week...Thanks for stopping by... Knit Mystique by Paula Ibanez

Shine bright like you MUST

Noone is you and that is your power!! Use it!! Shine bright because it is your right and your duty to inspire the world around you.... This beautiful, super soft and warm cowl is been handmade with love for those who want to use their unique power and express it! You want got it  click here

This leg warmers are made for flirting

Finally! This winter we can all be warm and feel sexy... These funky extra long legwarmers will surely help you kick off the winter blues and slip into a flirty mood!! I have knitted this over the knee leg warmers using 100% Brittish lambswool and a good dose of love. This way we are helping the environment and we remain original and exclusive. click here  to see these heart stopping leg warmers.

Pin it with Knit Mystique

If you were wondering where can you find heaps of inspiration for your knitwear projects, on how to style your outfits, colour trends, inspirational quotes to keep you motivated, breathtaking images of the universe and so on....I have what you were looking for...hehe. I posses this insaciable urge of feeling stimulated by beauty, and I find Pinterest helps me in that department whilst I stay home knitting away. As you probably already know, it used to be impossible to have it all creative, sociable, updated on the latest trends...but somehow having my Pinterest page makes me feel that I am not missing out on anything and can lock myself up at my studio. For a knitwear heart stopping experience, I highly recommend  you click here